The EDC Collection

The EDC collection, which consists of the official publications of the European Communities, includes 15.000 volumes of monographies and reports, 115 titles of periodical publications, informative leaflets and CD- Roms.

EDC materials are catalogued according to the international catalogue standards of the Anglo – American Rules (AACR 2), and the EDC thematical indexing is based on the EUROVOC Thesaurus. The arrangement of the publications follows an internal classification system, based on the separation of the material according to european instrument and series. All periodical publications and information leaflets published in the current year can by found in the reading hall.

The EDC library is not a lending one. Its use is allowed only within the premises of the library. A photocopier offers the possibility of reprodution to the public.

Most publications are available in two languages: Greek and French or English and French. However, the Official Journal of E.C. and the Case Law of the European Court of Justice is available in four languages: Greek, French, English and German.

The most important publications within the Centre are:

  • Treaties of the EU
  • Official Journal of the EU
  • Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and of the Court of First Instance
  • Annual General Reports on the activities of the EU
  • Monthly Bulletin of the European Union
  • Documents of the Commission: COM series
  • Reports of the European Parliament

Additionally, the CIEEL receives the publications of the Economic and Social Committee, the European Court of Auditors, the European Investment Bank, the European Ombudsman, the statistical office of the European Commission, as well as of other Organizations and Services within the EU.

An extensive, non-exhaustive, catalogue of all periodical publications received by the EDC, can be found here.

The rich collection of resources in the CIEEL Library and the EDC offers users the opportunity to conduct complete and thorough research on issues relating to European Union Law. The main research areas supported by the library are EU law, public and private international law and international protection of human rights.

The library possesses a complete collection of the publications of the European Commission of Human Rights and of the European Court of Human Rights (To consult the Council of Europe catalogue for periodical publications, click here).