The portal of the European Union, EUROPA, provides a variety of information on European integration, particularly concerning the European Union’s policies. Users can also access all legislation currently in force or under discussion and the websites of each of the EU institutions and bodies.




    Eur-Lex is the portal to European Union Law.
    It provides access to the:

    • Official Journal of the EC
    • Treaties
    • Legislation
    • Legislation in preparation
    • Case – law
    • Parliamentary questions
    • Documents of public interest


    • CELEX:
      CELEX is the official legal database for the European Union. It includes all the EU Law, legislation, case law, written questions, and implementation measures of community directives.
      Access to CELEX, by subscription users only.

    • PRELEX:
      PRELEX is the database on inter-institutional procedures. It allows the user to follow the major stages of the decision making process by the Commission and other Institutes.

    • OEIL:
      OEIL is the European Observatory of the European Parliament
      This is a database which provides information on the legislative procedures followed for an Act to be adopted by the European Parliament.

    • CURIA:
      CURIA provides access to Court of Justice and Tribunal of First Instance for European Communities case law.
    • RAPID:
      RAPID is a database that contains press releases made by both the Commission and other institutional bodies.

    • ECLAS:
      ECLAS is the catalogue for the Central Library of the Commission in Brussels. It includes more than 20.000 bibliographical references related to European issues.

    • SCAD-Plus:
      SCAD-Plus is a source of information for policies and activities within the EU.

    • IDEA:
      IDEA is an electronic directory of European institutional bodies

    • TED:
      TED is the electronic version of the supplement S to the Official Journal of the European Communities, which publishes calls for tenders.

    • CORDIS:
      The database Cordis provides access to information regarding areas of Research and Technological Development