The PHARE Programme is one of the three funding resources for pre-accession support to the EU, provided by the European Commission to assist the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe in their preparation for full membership to the European Communities. It was introduced in 1989, at a time when most candidate countries were going through a phase of economic and political transition. Today it funds exclusively actions concerning the priority sectors of pre-accession for each candidate country.

The PHARE – TEMPUS Programme aims at providing assistance to the candidate countries in the sector of academic education. It began in 1993 in the wider framework of the PHARE Programme. Nowadays, it belongs to the framework programme of the EU for the economic and social reform of Central and Eastern Europe (CARDS Programme) and of the programme for the economic restructuring and revitalisation of the new independent states of the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia (TACIS Program). The groups targeted by the programme include academic faculties and professionals, who are trained in key sectors such as justice, environment and government reform.

CIEEL was involved in the TEMPUS Programme through a series of seminars, addressing audiences not only of legal orientation. The seminars dealt with topics of general and specific EU Law.

For more information on the TEMPUS Programme click here: